NetGalley Site

design, ux, web


In 2012 I did wires and design for NetGalley, a site that connects book reviewers interested in advance copies (galleys), with publishers. 

Galley List

Galley List

Publishers and reviewers could track requests in various list views.

Reviewer Dashboard

Reviewer Dashboard

An individual's dashboard of approved galleys, for getting files and submitting reviews, was based on video streaming platforms of the time (Netflix, Hulu).

Profile Page

Profile Page

Reviewers have a place to promote themselves, with ratings that convey social reach. 

Launch Day

Launch Day

Much love on launch.

NetGalley Wires

NetGalley Wires

I delivered on content strategy, wires and visual design. Check out the wires (caveat - from 2012 so not to scale).